Thursday, December 2, 2010

Squats...everyone LOVES 'em!

Ok, so today's challenge wasn't as obvious to me as yesterdays.  But I thought back to last night's class and I don't think we did nearly enough of them! LOL  Please don't rush through these- use this opportunity to check your form.  Feet- shoulder width apart.  The motion is down and back- do them right in front of  a chair if that helps you.  (just don't let your rear hit that seat!!)  DO NOT let your knees go forward over your toes!  If you do, that means you are moving down and not back...  You can do them supported (hands on your legs as you go down) or unsupported (arms out in front of you).  You can add weights (whether supported or unsupported).  The motion does not have to be a big one, you don't have to go till your thighs are parallel to the floor to get something out of this!

Extra challenge:  Feeling like you want to push yourself even more?  Like that burn?  Do Stiletto squats... (you need handweights for this one)  Put the weights on the floor, your heels go on the weights.  (please be careful!)  Proceed as normal- although it won't feel normal by 25!! hehehe

25 squats.  Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Ok day two....check! forgot how it felt so pull muscles I haven't been using lol
