Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 25 - We did it!!

Today I know everyone is super crunched for time...  and I like everything to be a complete journey, ending somewhere close to the beginning.  (yes, that was a deep thought moment...)  Today I would like everyone to do 25 jumping jacks... and take a moment to reflect on the past 25 days.  Has it changed your daily attitude about exercise?  Did it become a higher priority for you?  Did you enjoy it- even the physical challenges you didn't like?  Let me know what you thought! 

I have enjoyed this, more than just the physical part of it (although thanks to bronchitis, I will be making up the exercises from this past week during next week) ... challenging myself to keep others challenged it what I have enjoyed most!  I like to use what I have learned to share with you - my friends- and help you to feel better/lose weight/whatever your fitness goal might be. 

I will be blogging on a regular basis and I encourage you to check in - and keep me on task!  I have a bridesmaid dress that is hanging on the back of my door that I must get into by April.  I can't at this point. (well, I can, but isn't very attractive!)  For those of you who have enjoyed this challenge, I will invite you to take part in what I will begin on January 1st.  Let's just say that 25's are 1/4 of what I will do everyday. *wink*

I hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas, enjoy the time with your families and loved ones.

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