Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Biceps, more specifically.  Grab some handweights, some canned goods, couple of rocks, whatever you have access to.  We are going simple today: bicep curls.  BUT we are going to do 2 sets of 25- and work the entire muscle.  First, stand with your feet about shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, stomach in tight, shoulders back. (i.e. good, supportive posture!)  Arms are down at your sides, palms facing up.  The motion is to bring the weights up to your shoulders-keeping your elbows in tight to your sides- then return to starting postition.  This is for the 1st set of 25.  For the 2nd set, your arms will be down, palms facing in towards your legs.  Other than the direction of your palms, everything else is the same. (remember to keep those elbows in tight to your sides!) ... These are called hammer curls.

Now, for modifications.  That is really the simplest way to do this exercise- the way to challenge it up a bit: Sit on an exercise ball while doing it- that will engage your core muscles as well.  You can also throw in some balance and stand on one foot while doing the 1st set and switch to the other foot when doing the 2nd set. 

Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday! Until tomorrow...

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