Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 13 - Favorite Exercise Day!

Happy Monday!  (ha.ha.ha.) 

Today I wanted to change it up just a bit... we are at our halfway point of this challenge and I want to know what you think!  Many of you have shared with me that you are enjoying the challenge.  Now I want to know exactly which exercises you love and which ones you don't care if you never do again...

I want you to pick the two extremes today.  From those exercises you have already done, pick your absolute favorite.  Do it again- only 2 sets this time around!  *wink*  If you are feeling daring, change it up from the first time you did it, add a modification (or 2) to make it more challenging. 

Now- pick your least favorite exercise.  Do it again as well- (I'm not going to ask you to do 2 sets tho!)  I challenge you to change it up a bit, add modifications, and see if it changes the exercise for you.

When you communicate to me that you have done the exercises-- PLEASE let me know which one was your favorite and which was your least favorite.  Let me know how you changed them up (if this applies) and how it affected your workout.

Hopefully this weather clears off enough for me to be on-time to class tonight.  Until then!

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