I logged on this morning and caught up on reading the blogs I follow. One of which happens to be a weight loss journal of an old friend. She had a quote that she found and had posted on her blog earlier this week and I loved it too much not to pass it forward as well. It was exactly what I needed to hear and HOW I needed to hear it today!!!
“Stop being a moron and start getting skinny! If you can’t take one more day of self-loathing, you are ready to hear the truth: You cannot keep shoveling the same crap into your mouth every day and expect to lose weight.”
Love it!! lol
This week has been a weird one for me. I have felt, in simple terms: FOUL. Last night I didn't even want to be around myself. I was mad because on Thursday nights I ALWAYS go to Chick-fil-a while Morgan is in dance and I get her a sandwich to eat right after class (and of course enjoy my usual while she is dancing!). I thought Michael had picked up my purse on the way out the door while I had grabbed my backpack. Well, evidentally he had put it back down because I had no purse (aka no way to pay @ chick-fil-a!). To say I was pissed didn't even begin to cover it. I was hungry, I was tired, and I was SUPER irritated. Morgan was actually pretty upset too when she got back in the car. So when we got home, and I was relieved that my purse was there (it had in it all the cash to pay rent AND my car payment, another reason for my panic!), I then got online and ordered Domino's pizza. And not just pizza. I also ordered the lava cakes that are offered for dessert with a 2liter of Coke. It was wonderful. Every last bite. I will say, the lava cakes made me SO much happier. Sad, I know. Food was my solace, my comfort. THIS is what I have to get away from. This feeling of being so behind the gun, being so REactive instead of being PROactive. How am I going to do this? I have no freaking clue. Not today. I am still recovering, I guess. I didn't realize until last night just how stressed I have been, how SAD I have been. AND I DON'T KNOW WHY!!!! I mean yes, school can be a bit stressful, but is that a reason to be a mess all the time? NOPE. All I wanted to do was cry last night and that just pissed me off even more. See the vicious cycle I have adopted? This is not me and I don't like it at all!
I think my week off made me a bit lazy. That didn't help at all. Yes, I got a lot of housework accomplished, yes, I got my schedule planned for February- I hit all the goals I had for myself at the week's start. But along the way, I lost my pace from before. Now I just have to focus on getting it back. Hopefully I can make some of that up today. I have a full day planned- teaching my Zumba class from 11-11:50, then on to the house I clean every other week. That will put me home about an hour before the rest of the family gets here, so I can have a moment to sit quietly. Then we have a relatively quiet weekend planned, only teaching a class tomorrow morning, & church on Sunday, so hopefully I can get a lot of studying done, and get back on track with my workouts and my point counting! I am going to try again today. I looked at the other pop-tart from Morgan's breakfast and thought to myself "nope, I don't want this- I don't want to spend 4 points on a tiny little pop-tart!" lol I guess that could be considered progress...
Have a wonderful weekend!
Aw, I love you and I miss you terribly!