Can you spot reduce? No way. I know this. However, it has been proven that if you do a ton of one exercise, it will be enough to spark a cardiovascular response and you will get benefits from the work. So, does it make sense to 'kill' one area at a time? For me, I say yes. My problem with my workouts is that I haven't for a long time taxed my body enough to even be sore the next day. I might feel certain muscles differently the day after a new routine, but it that DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) doesn't even last a full 48 hours! I know I have done a thorough job of tearing my muscle fibers down if I am sore the next day, but then even more sore the following day. Only then do I feel good in the knowledge that I WORKED HARD.
I see so many people on the protein train- thinking they need to consume mass quanties of protein after a workout because they need to repair their muscles. The sad part is, many of those people aren't taxing their bodies enough to even warrant the extra protein, which then they are just overindulging. Most of us get enough protein in our diets without adding the scoop of protein mix to our favorite smoothie or shake. But the protein bandwagon is hot, difficult to say no, when we think we are doing a good thing for our bodies. If you work hard, lifting weights and tearing muscle down, then hey- by all means add that scoop- or better yet, save some money and just drink some good old fashioned chocolate milk! One of the best forms of protein you could ingest, and gives you the right amount of protein to help your muscles.
Okay, enough of my soapbox preaching...
Today, my challenge to you- and to myself- is to complete 100 abdominal crunches. Am I going to lie down on the floor and crunch up 100 times the same way? Nope! I am going to do some crunches, some oblique work, some plank holds, maybe some Tspine supports, but needless to say, I am going to work my core today. To the point where I better be sore tomorrow or I am going to be highly irritated! *smile*
Let me know how you plan to get your 100 in... I am not saying that doing the same exact exercise 100 times over the course of the day is a bad thing- there are some exercises that I will do that way. I just feel like there are so many different muscles in your abdominal wall that you need to hit them all to get in the best workout. Who knows, maybe some of this will improve my posterior as well. lol
My sister inspired today's workout. When she was losing weight after my nieces were born, she did the crunches every day for months. She did 100 of them religiously. She knows as well as I do that you can't technically spot reduce, but it did in fact flatten her middle. Because for her and I, that is the first place we lose weight. So for me, I know that my workout today is going to flatten my mid-section (well, hopefully!). Will it work that way for others? perhaps. Just depends on how you are wired. Maybe for some, it will be improvements in your arms, for others your back. Some may be affected more so in the upper abs, others in the lower abs. No matter what, if you are doing 100 of anything in one specific area, you WILL see results. Just make sure to drink plenty of fluids to help flush out those toxins you are gonna be releasing!!!
p.s. Yesterday was rough! I am glad it is Tuesday! But after a fast food sandwich (probably not the best choice, but the simplest to eat en route), I ate soup and a sandwich from Tim Hortons for lunch. Okay, I had a Coke with lunch as well, but I needed the double shot of caffeine- those exams wore me out! I did great with snacks- a banana and granola bar on the run between class and Zumba. Dinner might have been at 10pm, but it was very good! A pot roast, potatoes and onions that had cooked in the crock pot all day- a new recipe that cooked the meat and veggies in ginger ale. It was fabulous!!
Today I am home most of the day. Other than getting oil changed and a trip to the grocery with my almost 3 year old niece, I have a low stress day planned. I hope yours is a great one too!
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