WOW, what a crazy week I have had! Not a lot of great advances in my quest for weight loss, but I haven't taken any steps backwards either...My challenge to myself this week is to actually be able to hit the challenge from last week! Sadly, I don't think I accomplished one session of core work. I realized a lot of things over the weekend: just about every little bit of my life is in chaos right now and that is translating into one very unorganized and flustered Gina.
I am not used to being unprepared for things, especially in a classroom. But I continue to find myself sitting down in class every Monday and Wednesday saying "Before next class, I am going to get it together!" Granted my grades are still pretty darn good, if I may brag a bit, but those A's won't stay A's for long at the rate that I am going! I went from 106% to a 99% to a 96% in Anatomy. OOPS. Luckily I have a week off next week and so my challenge next week is going to be to really get myself together so that I can focus on the things that I need to! School, yes, that is a no brainer. I need to do well. But there are so many things I want to do with the fitness classes at the church- adding in other classes-- a beginner class, a strength training class, and then there are several who have requested a weight loss support group. And make all of this possible for people to come to as many classes as they want to and still be able to afford it, while still making enough money to pay all of my bills... My goal is to plan everything next week and then implement all the schedule changes in February. (gee, another challenge!) I also get to spend part of the week getting my house organized. Hopefully I will get some time to learn some new choreography as well! Well crud, there went that week! LOL
I know you are saying: gee Gina, you have given yourself plenty of challenges, but what good does that do me?? And you are right. So I need for you to do a couple of things this week. First: think about that one food that holds you hostage. The one you cannot control, that completely controls you whenever you eat it. Make some decisions about how you are going to handle situations when this food is present. Can you limit yourself? Or is this something that really you just need to stay away from, not buy at the store? Is there more than one food- or is it a drink? Really sit down and take some time to think about it. On Thursday I will be back and talk about my own food issues.
Second- What do you want to get from your workouts? Do you want to maintain your current body weight, but improve your overall cardiovascular health? Or do you want to lose weight? Or do you want to gain lean muscle mass? Think about it-- and let me know what it is that you want to do! That way I can help you achieve your goals... I think if you are taking the time to read my incessant ramblings, that I can take time to give you some personal training "on the house". *wink*
Well, it is getting rather late and I do have school tomorrow. Crud, just got the call that Northmont is on a 2hour delay. If only I could be too! *smile* HEY! What do you know... posted this, then checked and there it was! I get a 2 hour delay too!! YIPEEEEEEEE! lol
I'm going to have to think about this hostage thing. My issues are food in general, but moreso at my office. Constant food everywhere! That's how we celebrate, we eat! And, of course, my husband can eat whatever he wants. That certainly doesn't help!