Well, my start to 2011 hasn't been earth shattering or life altering yet. *laughing* I missed yesterday and then today was just crazy! I knew that I wasn't going to be able to get in a major workout till Tuesday (the 100 challenges will be issued on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, by the way). I should have blogged, but you see how that went! Anyway...
I wanted to see just how bad I could be yesterday (yes, this would be confession time). We went to Michael's parent's house for a day of card playing- and eating. Not necessarily in that order. I stepped on the scale for giggles and grins before I left, and then again when I returned home after what turned out to be a marathon day of grazing. I was 6 pounds heavier when I came home! HOLY COW! Yes, that is ridiculous! Granted, today I am back down, but knowing I consumed 6 pounds of food and beverage in one day was a definite wake up call for me.
So, tomorrow is my first day back at school. It is going to suck because not only do I have school: I have to get in the shower at 5 am, take Michael to work, then get my daughter and my niece (who is staying with me this week) ready for school, put dinner in the crock pot, take the girls to latchkey, then off to school by 7 am. After class, I have to rush home, pick up my family, bust it to Zumba class, where HOPEFULLY everyone has returned from their breaks. THEN (because that isn't enough) Morgan has Jazz class from 8:30 - 9:15. Then after we get home and I get the girls to bed, I can have dinner. So, needless to say, my challenge is to be smart in my food selections tomorrow. Of course I need to go to the grocery store, so taking a well thought out packed lunch is out of the question. dang. But I think I can make good choices picking up lunch for myself. I'll take water bottles and granola bars to get me through the classes. I am planning on having a good, healthy day- even though the cards are stacked against me right now. (honestly, I feel calmer about facing tomorrow just having put it into words.) *smile*
I hope everyone has a smooth return to normalcy- and success in whatever their New Year's Resolutions may be. Stick to it!! You will be so much happier (and healthier) in the long run!!
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